The models that live in this directory were created with the help of "sphere", which is a very simple C program that also lives here. Here's how to use it, once compiled: sphere: tiles a sphere with triangles by recursively subdividing each face of a unit octahedron, icosahedron or tetrahedron into four triangles, and prints the resulting model to "stdout" in one of several possible formats. Usage: "sphere [-h] [-i|-t] [-S] [-{v|w|y|o|p}] [-a|-A] d_or_t", where -h prints this help; -i takes a unit icosahedron (instead of a unit octahedron, which is the default) as the initial geometry; -t takes a unit tetrahedron as the initial geometry; -S tiles the sphere with Sierpinski gaskets (instead of using whole triangles); -v prints the resulting model in VRML 1.0 ASCII format; -w prints the resulting model in VRML 2.0 ASCII format (this is the default); -y prints the resulting model in YAODL(6D) ASCII format (for SGI machines); -o prints the resulting model in Open Inventor(1) ASCII format; -p prints the resulting model in a private (and completely useless) ASCII format; -a uses an adaptive (as opposed to systematic, which is the default) strategy in the subdivision process, which may cause the resulting surface to have "cracks"; -A is the same as -a, but solves the "cracking problem"; d_or_t is either the degree of the systematic or the tolerance of the adaptive subdivision process that each face of the original unit whateverahedron will undergo. Examples: ("powerflip" and "ivview" are found on SGI machines) "sphere 4 > sphere.wrl"; "sphere -y -a .04 | /usr/demos/bin/powerflip -"; "sphere -y -A .04 | /usr/demos/bin/powerflip -"; "sphere -y -i 4 | /usr/demos/bin/powerflip -"; "sphere -o -S 5 | ivview [-]".