Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes



News and Events 

Arch Linux Installation from 0

On March 22nd, the Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes of UPM organized a new internal session entitled "Arch Linux Installation from 0".

In this session, we dove into the exciting world of one of the most challenging Linux distributions: Arch Linux. Despite the inherent complexities, our team enthusiastically set about the task of installing Arch Linux from scratch, with the aim of gaining a thorough understanding of all the components that make up this distribution.

From the first steps of preparation to the final configuration of the system, each participant had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the process, exploring the technical intricacies and gaining invaluable practical knowledge about the structure and operation of Arch Linux. Technical challenges were discussed and solved, knowledge was shared and collaboration was fostered among all attendees.

The collaborative learning environment and camaraderie was palpable throughout the meeting. Participants motivated each other, sharing tips and tricks, and celebrating accomplishments at each stage of the installation process.

All in all, our internal meeting was a success, providing each participant with an enriching educational experience and strengthening the bonds within our technology community. We look forward to our next learning adventure together!.
